Establishing marmoset models of Alzheimer’s Disease to identify emerging phenotypes and illuminate mechanisms underlying pathogenesis.

MARMO-AD logo: Marmosets as Research Models of Alzheimers Disease


  • Marmosets bridge the rodent to human translational gap
  • Overcome limitations of other model organisms by exhibiting primate-specific aging and dementia phenotypes
  • Gain translatable knowledge through simultaneous assessment of genetic, molecular, functional, behavioral, and pathological phenotypes
  • Identify emerging phenotypes that precede frank neuropathy through gene-edited models with genetic risk for EOAD and LOAD


Establish the marmoset as the first primate-specific model of AD

  • Reveal the earliest cellular and molecular events of AD processes and allow charting AD progression from its inception.

Develop marmoset models of early-onset AD and late-onset AD

  • Investigate the underlying cellular and molecular root causes of the pathogenesis and progression of AD.
  • Assess genetic, molecular, functional, behavioral, and pathological phenotypes simultaneously in marmosets.

Provide translatable knowledge of the origins and progression of AD in human populations



MARMO-AD is a collaboration between the following organizations: